This line was taken from Cecil’s amazing new “DOUBLE TIME BEBOP LICKS (MAJOR II-V-I)” and I have been transposing it into various keys on the piano and guitar. This line uses chromaticism, descending leaps of a 6th, and enclosures to achieve the bebop sound. Some of my favorite parts occur over the G7.

The F# (natural 7) comes from the bebop scale, which also could be considered a chromatic approach tone.

You might not play a Cm(Maj7) as a chord voicing here, but as a single note line, it resolves nicely back to C in the next measure.

I highly recommend checking out Cecil’s Alexander. He has become one of my favorite players in recent years. He was recently signed to Heartcore records (Kurt Rosenwinkel’s record label) and you can find his debut album there.